Official Government of Zimbabwe Web Portal


Local Government, Public Works And National Housing


To promote sound local governance, undertake and coordinate rural and urban development to enhance the socio-economic development of Zimbabwe.


  • Formulate, regulate and monitor policies that promote sound local governance
  • Facilitate devolution
  • Formulate, review and implement Spatial Planning and State land management policies
  • Manage and coordinate orderly spatial development
  • Co-ordinate disaster mitigation and preparedness planning to promote efficient response and resilience to disasters
  • Initiate, promote and implement Urban and Rural development projects and programmes
  • Co-ordinate Central and Local government programmes and development initiatives
  • Promote and facilitate an efficient urban public transport management system
  • Facilitate effective operations of traditional leaders
  • Coordinate, administer and manage all disasters
  • Manage and account for the National Civil Protection Fund
  • Formulate and coordinate policies in estate management, valuation services, construction and maintenance of infrastructure
  • Formulate and monitor implementation of sound national housing and social amenities policies at the household, business centre and growth point levels
  • Develop and implement strategies that ensure rural and urban development in consultation with the relevant Ministries and other stakeholders
  • Provide housing and social amenities infrastructure
  • Mobilize resources for the implementation of housing and social amenities in rural and urban areas
  • Coordinate and implement the Rural Housing Delivery Programmes
  • Administer Government Real Estate
  • Provide office accommodation to Government
  • Manage and account for the National Housing Fund, Housing and Guarantee Fund, Rural Housing Fund, Civil Services Housing Loan Fund and Social Amenities
  • Development Fund and Government Pool Properties Fund
  • Administer rent control regulations for residential accommodation
  • Develop and monitor housing allocation criteria for all Local Authorities
  • Purchase land for urban housing development
  • Formulate and coordinate policies in estate management, valuation services, construction and maintenance of infrastructure
  • Plan, implement and supervise the State Building and Maintenance Programme
  • Provide professional and technical advice to the smaller local authorities on building construction and engineering services
  • Provide professional and technical guidance to organisations intending to build facilities at their own expense as “gifts to Government”
  • Prepare and execute agreements of lease for public facilities in Government complexes such as hotels, hospitals etc.
  • Value land and buildings in and outside the country for Government purposes
  • Supervise and monitor the work of consultants appointed to undertake works by the Ministry
  • Manage Stadia Revolving Fund
  • Coordinate State Occasions

Minister, Hon. July. G. Moyo, M.P.

Deputy Minister, Hon. Jenipher. Mhlanga, M.P.